Giuseppe Ottaviani - Keep Running

May 10th, 2024
Giuseppe Ottaviani’s 2024 got off to a flying (and distinctively collaborative!) start, as he partnered with singers, songwriters and co-producers from all walks. (‘Carry On’ w/Gareth Emery & Sarah de Warren, x Gabry Ponte & Malou on ‘In My Mind’, Like Mike on ‘Nothing Else Matters’ – to name but some!)
To make the kind of artistic leap he wanted for his main spring strike however necessitated him going as solo as solo gets. Giuseppe has explored many different styles and subsets over his career, but he’s never been out-and-out techno before. Which is exactly what you’re going to be getting when ‘Keep Running’s rubber hits the road.
Built up with marching kicks, a throbbingly technotic pulse, driving percussive rhythms and LFO that’ll trouble the most formidable of bass stacks, ‘Running’s not looking to compromise for a moment. The canniest of key changes and the subtlest of melodic techno hooks keep its pressure rising, while Giuseppe’s mantra-like ‘keep running, never look back’ refrain will be something you’re hearing long after the club doors have closed.
Shadowy, Berlin-accented music for those that know, ‘Keep Running’ is the kind of departure for Giuseppe you’ll want to hear time and again ... And here’s where to make to make that happen.