John O'Callaghan - Pebble Beach

Black Hole
February 23rd, 2024
In our current times, we’re all after a bit of reassurance … That John O’Callaghan would start the year with anything other than a gift of track, well, naturally, none needed there! It’s a melodically framed number, the tone of which casts a longing eye at seasons to come. No concerns either about it being anything but the worthiest of follow-ups to his stellar 2023 output (‘Impulse Barrier’, ‘Power Of Now’ and ‘Reality’). No, we’re talking a broader type of assurance here … and that’s something ‘Pebble Beach’ is ready to deliver by the (bucket and) spade-full.
“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be okay … here at Pebble Beach” refrains the track, and backed by JOC’s transcendental pads, swimming chords and halcyon melodies, it more than makes the case. As the break’s lightly plucked strings ebb and its synths start to flow however, John redirects its production to the sky.
In keeping with his most recent Subculture outing (the Sue McLaren/Paul Skelton collab ‘Power Of Now’), John’s added something diverse to the release’s make-up. Reconnecting with his chill side, he’s included a Peaceful Mix, which serves as an elegiac overture/outro to its Original and Extended versions.
Find the trail to ‘Pebble Beach’ here from today.
Listen here.
01: John O’Callaghan ‘Pebble Beach’ (Peaceful Mix)
02: John O’Callaghan ‘Pebble Beach’ (Original Mix)
03: John O’Callaghan ‘Pebble Beach’ (Extended Mix)