John O'Callaghan - Memphis


March 21st, 2025

John O’Callaghan’s thrown down a major gauntlet for himself in 2025. “Ten tracks. One a month. All trance. No distractions. No detours. Just focus on what I love: the late-night studio obsession! Let’s see where the road leads.

Well game-on then …

Turns out his first stop is in ‘Memphis’, which John characterizes through an intricately crafted, melodically advanced, soul-touching release, that arrives through all channels today.  

As John notes, the track had an ASOT-studio-to-air time of just three hours. ‘Memphis’ had its worldwide ID reveal on ASOT tonight. Sent it in at 4 pm and by 7 or 8, it was on the airwaves. This one is special to me”, he continues. “It embodies everything I talk about when I mention the quest for perfection in trance—that elusive feeling, the pursuit of something deeper. I’m constantly honing my craft, and this track represents exactly what I mean when I say I’m trying to push myself forward. If I’ve only got a few years left in this game, this is the kind of music I want to make.

That specifically is a melodically-hooked number, which up top shimmers with pianoforte, hailing vocally harmonics, subtly urging synths and is awash with seaside atmosphere. Down below however beats the heart of trance titan, and one that wants for nothing come dancefloor primetime. Head down to ‘Memphis’ with John today: